Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Upcoming Event: Dublin Zombie Walk 2011

If you were lucky enough to be in Dublin on June 26th of last year, then you probably noticed a huge crowd of people dressed up as zombies in order to raise funds for charity. I did not learn of Dublin Zombie Walk 2010 in time to participate but this year, I will be leading the walk as a zombified Miss United Nation Europe!!!

It may surprise you to learn that I love zombie movies and am a lil obsessed with the living dead (to say the least!). It’s not really something you expect of a “beauty queen”… or a vegetarian. I have always wanted to dress up as a zombie, stagger around moaning whilst dripping with fake blood. There have been too many years to count where I planned on dressing up as a zombie for Hallowe’en but, for whatever reason, it never happened. This year, I not only finally get to wander out looking truly disgusting but you can join me!

If there is anyone out there like me (well, probably not the beauty-queen-zombie-obsessive part, just think zombie-obsessive) then you too can come along and take part in Dublin Zombie Walk on the 23rd of July. Not only do we get to roam the streets, but we will also be helping to raise money for two very important charities – the Irish Cancer Society and The RNLI.

Photo by David Williams - DZW 2010

2010 marked the first year the Walk took place, organised by Eamonn Doyle, Pauline Whaine and Mark Hall. The main purpose of the event is a fundraiser, the rationale behind which being that the general public would take more notice of a huge group of zombies as opposed to a couple of people standing on the streets with collection buckets.

Pretty much anyone can participate but the DZW requires certain particular roles which you can volunteer for by registering here.

Check out the following list of the various volunteers needed:

(Centre for Disease Control)
You would be in control of the walk direction, ensuring that people are not straying from the walk, that children are not being pushed and frightened, that no one is acting inappropriately or damaging any property and so on.

You are the life blood of the walk and without a number of people volunteering to collect using buckets along the walk then the walk would be nothing, so please get in contact with us if you would like to have this responsibility.

(The Virus)
Without your skill and creative ways in which to infect people on the day we'd be lost. We need as many make up artists as possible to make sure that people are in costume and looking the part. Also we are hoping for a large number of people to join the walk and they will need to be infected!!!
Black eye circles and a bit of blood should do the trick.

Last but not least we need ZOMBIES!!!!
Check out the sign up page and register so we can know the sheer massive numbers that will be turning up for the biggest Zombie walk in Irish history part 2!!

I hope to be very involved in this event so keep an eye out for my updates, etc. over the next few months.

On the 20th of May, there is a photo call taking place for the event. We currently need about 15 – 30 zombies to take part so if you feel like participating in this “Mini Zombie Walk” and getting a feel for what the big event is going to be like, please leave a comment on the Dublin Zombie Walk facebook group by clicking here. More details coming soon.

For more information and videos of last year’s walk, check out the official DZW website here.

Also be sure to check out the facebook event invitation and the facebook group.

Until Next Time,
Sami Long
Miss United Nation Ireland 2010
Miss United Nation Europe 2010