Saturday, February 18, 2012

Update: Blog Hiatus

Motley Magazine December Edition

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to take the time to write a quick update despite currently being the busiest I have ever been in my life!

I have been on somewhat of a hiatus in relation to my blog and facebook "like" pages since the end of the summer due to returning to full-time education. I am still modelling and doing appearances but have of course had to considerably scale back on the amount of time I spend on these activites due to being in the final year of my Law Degree.

Since the last event I wrote about, I have participated in a promotional shoot for Limerick - Outbreak Zombie Festival in aid of the Cliona Ring Foundation as well as the Festival itself, I took to the catwalk for the Weddings & Celebrations Vintage Fayre in the Limerick Milk Market which was filmed for "Four Weddings", I modeled for two different photo shoots for Motley Magazine as well as a shoot for the Cork vintage boutique, Turquoise Flamingo and in a UCC charity fashion show. I also attended the Fifth Annual Cliona Ring Foundation Commemorative Night where I was interviewed by RTE's Miriam O'Callaghan along with John Hayes, Brendan and Terry Ring and Orla Cusack, a beneficiary of the CRF.

For pictures of all of these events as well as recent press, please "like" my new facebook page:

I should also point out that as of November, I no longer retain the Miss United Nation Ireland or Miss United Nation Europe titles. My reign was a wonderful experience which I will cherish forever. However, I am very excited for what the future holds in store for me.

Until Next Time,
xxx Sami xxx