Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm baaaaaaccckkkkkk!!!

Hello, blogosphere!

Back in February 2012 Ages ago,  I posted my only blog update of last year to explain my absence/blog hiatus. I've decided it's about time that I start posting again (given that that was over a year ago).

So to make up for the last year; Happy St Patrick's Day, Happy Easter, Happy Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy... whatever the eff else I would have wished you had I still been blogging.

This time last year, I was living in Cork having returned to full-time education following the year I took out after winning Miss United Nation Ireland (during which I started this blog in order to keep track of what I was getting up to).

Apparently I should feel grown-up now ?

I finished the final exams of my Law Degree in May, packed my car and moved straight back up to Dublin where I celebrated my "freedom" for several weeks before travelling to The States where I spent over 5 weeks between Texas, New Mexico and California. It was the trip of a lifetime.

Since my return in September, I have been living in Dublin full-time once again. I have many years of further studies ahead of me in order to become a solicitor so for the time being, I am enjoying another break from scholarly pursuits and "loving limbo".

Until Next Time,
xxx Sami xxx

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Update: Blog Hiatus

Motley Magazine December Edition

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to take the time to write a quick update despite currently being the busiest I have ever been in my life!

I have been on somewhat of a hiatus in relation to my blog and facebook "like" pages since the end of the summer due to returning to full-time education. I am still modelling and doing appearances but have of course had to considerably scale back on the amount of time I spend on these activites due to being in the final year of my Law Degree.

Since the last event I wrote about, I have participated in a promotional shoot for Limerick - Outbreak Zombie Festival in aid of the Cliona Ring Foundation as well as the Festival itself, I took to the catwalk for the Weddings & Celebrations Vintage Fayre in the Limerick Milk Market which was filmed for "Four Weddings", I modeled for two different photo shoots for Motley Magazine as well as a shoot for the Cork vintage boutique, Turquoise Flamingo and in a UCC charity fashion show. I also attended the Fifth Annual Cliona Ring Foundation Commemorative Night where I was interviewed by RTE's Miriam O'Callaghan along with John Hayes, Brendan and Terry Ring and Orla Cusack, a beneficiary of the CRF.

For pictures of all of these events as well as recent press, please "like" my new facebook page:

I should also point out that as of November, I no longer retain the Miss United Nation Ireland or Miss United Nation Europe titles. My reign was a wonderful experience which I will cherish forever. However, I am very excited for what the future holds in store for me.

Until Next Time,
xxx Sami xxx

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Limerick Pride 2011 Parade

On Saturday, the 10th of September, I had the pleasure of participating in the Limerick Pride 2011 Parade. This year's festival ran from Saturday, the 3rd of September until Sunday, the 11th of September and marked ten proud festival years (and five years of the Pride Parade). The route went from City Hall, up O'Connell Street, down Henry Street and culiminated in a block party at Clohessy's Bar.

What I Wore
I wore a multi-coloured dress one-shouldered dress from the Ivory Closet - Dress Hire, Limerick teamed with my Carol Shaw Jewellery crown and my Hotloxs Hair Extensions.

The were of course there on the day to film the Parade and the block party afterwards. Check it out here:

Until Next Time,
xxx Sami xxx